On demand consultation for Used Car buyers

My Expert

A web platform which is One-stop solution where second hand car buyers and mechanics in Switzerland use the platforms to make final decision. It helps user to get a perfect car on the basis of requirements and selection of brand, make and model after all inspections.

About MyExpert

Our MEAN Stack developers helped our esteemed client from Switzerland to develop a brilliant marketplace website, where people can visit and get help from the experts before purchasing a second hand car in order to avoid recurring costs of maintenance on cars. Agents, an expert group of people associated with automobile industry, are brought together who help people of Switzerland in making precise decisions while purchasing. It is also helpful to car mechanics who want to earn in their leisure time. Technologies used by our expert web development team for this project are: Angular 2, Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB.

On demand consultation for Used Car buyers


After the user login to the platform, location details are needed to be fed. On the basis of that, a list of Car Mechanics (Agents) will come up and the Selection Process starts. When any user sends request to any service provider, the admin will send an email/ SMS to the respective specialist with details about Date, Amount of hours, Money they would earn and an optional message depending on the users. Car mechanics will then Accept/ Reject the requests. End users (customers) would receive the details through email about it with details. Customer will hire mechanic to go with him to dealer, inspect the car, and provide detailed feedback in the form of a checklist PDF that system will provide.

Mobile App Users:

  • Registration/ Login
  • Location search
  • Send Request
  • Email/ SMS notifications
  • PDF download and share

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